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Why Am I Not Getting Any Breakthrough?

In this post, I will explain what I see most often that brings a blockage to breakthrough in deliverance sessions. I pray that Jesus will use this information to bring a revelation to someone who is struggling to find breakthrough, or deliverance.

**There has to be a mindset change from orphan to sonship**

This mindset change has to already have begun to some degree, in order for more breakthrough and freedom to come.

An orphan has some or many of the following characteristics:

  • feels ashamed

  • feels guilt

  • feels regret

  • blames others or themselves

  • much self-pity

  • upset with God

  • always offended

  • sees themselves as the victim - victim mentality

  • much condemnation - I can never do good enough

  • legalism and religion - I have to make God happy or earn His love

  • beats themselves up for making mistakes

  • bitter, resentment, unforgiveness, justice must come for what they did to me

  • no trust or rest in Jesus - can't see past the storm - everything about this sucks and I want to just complain about it all

  • one-on-one time with Jesus is barely there, or never there, or other christian things take the place of it

  • never stands in the authority that he/she has been given from Jesus against the enemy or the situation.

  • led by fear - desires to control people and situations, and if they cant, worry and fear sets in.

  • much negativity - dwells on the negative

This is not an exhaustive list, but any of these things will bring a hindrance to breakthrough and freedom. These things can make a person feel miserable, but these things are not something that casting out demons will fix. If casting out demons could fix these things, it would be blocked because of the lack of surrender and relationship with Jesus.

If this relates to you, then what can you do?

You need to ask the Father to Father you, ask Him to bring you into sonship. Ask Him to reveal it to you. Ask Him to tend to the garden of your heart, and He will show you the areas He wants to work on. But it's going to start with full surrender, and self discipline to make time with Him your priority.

Jesus requires relationship and full surrender of every area and aspect of your life.

Sonship is full surrender to Jesus, and living as a son/daughter, allowing Father God father and lead.

If you have any quality of the above orphan list, it's time to sit with Jesus and release it to Him, and let Him show you where He needs to heal your heart. Inner healing with Jesus is what is needed. This is why I talk so much about inner healing going hand in hand with deliverance because you can't have one without the other, otherwise it is incomplete...

Now I will list the characteristics of sonship, a son/daughter...

  • will not feel ashamed

  • is not guilty, firm in the forgiveness of Jesus

  • does not have regret because Jesus has forgiven and doesn't see it

  • does not blame themselves or others because Jesus has it all taken care of

  • there's no reason for self-pity anymore

  • not upset with God because His ways are higher than my ways and God knows what's best for me in every situation. After all, He is God

  • extremely difficult to offend because their soul wounds are healed (or in progress)

  • never the victim anymore because they stand in the victory of Jesus, they truly trust Jesus and never hold any judgement against anyone else

  • there's no condemnation because they trust in their salvation, they trust in the process that the Lord is taking them through. It's relationship. A father is not going to abandon his son for making a mistake

  • there's no legalism or religion, just relationship with Jesus. There's no earning anything from the Lord because a son/daughter stands in the place of already having it all

  • doesn't beat themselves up for making a mistake because they run straight to the Father and make it right, and they know the Father is not angry, He is waiting with a smile and open arms

  • there's no unforgiveness because it's all been released to Jesus, all bitterness and resentment has been released to Jesus. There is an understanding that Jesus is Judge, and holding onto these things prevents Jesus from dealing with it how He needs to. A son understand that only Jesus has the place of Judge, not us

  • No matter the storm, a son or daughter can choose to trust and rest that God is in control, and any control they may want to have, they can release it to Jesus and let Jesus do what He wants to do. After all, Jesus is in control of it all

  • A son or daughter will make time for one on one time with Jesus, and they will make it a priority. They see and understand how important it is

  • A son or daughter will exercise and practice their authority that Jesus has given them at all times, against the enemy and all situations

  • A son or daughter will rebuke fear/doubt/worry/negativity because none of those things are a part of the inheritance of a son/daughter

Do you see how everything in the orphan list is not a part of the inheritance as a son/daughter of the King? Everything on the Son's list is what we have access to as a son/daughter of the King! This is peace that surpasses all understanding, this is sonship with the Father! The Word of God says we have access to this, it is absolutely attainable. We have to let go of the orphan mindset, fully surrender all these areas, and let Jesus heal our wounds. Some of it will be difficult but we can't justify or make excuses, we have go after this sincerely. Coming into this, or more into this will bring the breakthrough that is needed for big breakthrough/deliverance to come. This is a lifestyle of repentance and surrender, a beautiful relationship with Jesus.

Sometimes the Father will have us exercise our authority, or take care of a lot of this before He will begin to bring much deliverance and breakthrough. I'm not saying that He won't bring any deliverance at all because of any of this, but when breakthrough seems to be hard to find, it's a good idea to examine these things with the Lord. These things are foundational but are so easily overlooked and not talked about enough. So don't let the enemy make you feel bad if some of these things have been overlooked or not taken care of well. It's okay, it happens to all of us, no one can be perfect! Think of how it's by His beautiful grace that you are even here reading this! How amazing is Jesus!

It's a good thing to note that all of this is discipleship and mind renewal. The foundational areas of deliverance should take place within all of this as well.

And by foundational deliverance areas, i'm speaking of:

  • repentance

  • renouncing lies

  • taking care of unforgiveness

  • breaking soul ties/bonds

  • breaking curses

I feel like these foundational areas of deliverance are a part of this process we've been talking about, it's discipleship and mind renewal. These things can't be overlooked, and if they are, you may experience a hindrance or blockage to breakthrough.

I pray this post has been a blessing that has brought much revelation from Jesus! Pray into this and ask the Lord where He wants to begin, what does He want to address. He WILL speak to you in some way and show you. Don't let the enemy tell you that you can't hear from Jesus, renounce that lie right now and go spend some time with Him, He will show you where He wants to go, I promise you that!

Much love and blessings in Jesus' Name!

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