I know that the title of this article may be confusing for some, and possibly alarming, but do not let that stop you from reading further. It is not my intent to purposely offend anybody. I'm going to tell you a brief story about someone who came to me for a deliverance (exorcism) appointment. This person grew up in a country where the population is 97% Catholic. He was raised this way, and didn't know what he didn't know. Stay with me and let me tell you the story of what Jesus did for this man.
For the sake of this being a blog post, I will keep this story as condensed as possible. Also for the sake of the person this story is about, I will not release any personal details.
This man came to me because he was tired of his life. He was struggling in so many areas of his life. He had so much fear, he was tired of being in so much bondage. He was wanting out of this life.
Like many others, this man didn't know that being so oppressed like this was something Jesus could set him free from. So many people think that their struggles and bondages are just something they have to live with and endure, but this is simply not true.
This man had a friend who set up this appointment for him. This friend prayed and fasted for breakthrough for this man. So even though this man did not know what to expect at all, he agreed to come to the appointment.
I will briefly explain what happened during our appointment.
(This was an online appointment done over Zoom)
This man sat in from of the laptop camera with his friend beside him. I could tell he really had no idea what to expect. At the same time, I could see the pain and the desperation on his face. He had no idea what else to do, i'm sure this was like a last resort for him. He trusted his friend, and the Lord answered his friend's prayer that day!
Our appointment was 3 hours. During the first hour, we went over his intake form, and he answered all my questions. I could tell he had no idea what to expect.
During the second hour of our appointment, I knew what had to be done. The Holy Spirit is the leader of these appointments, and I am always following His lead. During the first hour of the session, the Lord showed me that this man was rooted in Catholicism and he was still actively practicing it. I knew what we had to do, and I trusted the Holy Spirit to help me do it.
I had to explain to this man the Gospel of Jesus Christ because all he knew was Catholicism. This may be difficult for some to hear, but Catholicism is not Christianity. Catholicism does not teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. This man needed to hear the true Gospel, be truly surrendered to Jesus and have a relationship with Him.
By the grace and mercy of Almighty Father God, this man understood that he needed to renounce Catholicism, and accept the true Gospel of Jesus. I explained how Catholicism is actually a false religion. I explained how in the Bible, we see that there is only one mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus Christ. Praying to anyone else is not right. Praying to those who have passed away (Mary, the Saints, relatives) is considered necromancy, which is an abomination. Praying to angels is also not right, we are to pray to the only mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus Christ (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). (For the sake of time, I will not go into any other reasons that Catholicism is a false religion, but there are many other reasons).
This man understood, and he renounced Catholicism, and he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He now understands that it has nothing to do with religion, rituals, practices, rules, or traditions of man. It is a relationship with the King of Kings.
After truly surrendering to Jesus and renouncing everything that needed to be renounced, he proceeded to get set free from many demons. Most of these demons came in through Catholicism. For example, the head ruling evil spirits in this man's bloodline were Lucifer and an evil spirit called "Mary, The Queen of Heaven." This demon god Mary, the queen of Heaven is actually who these people are praying to, thinking that they are praying to the mother of Jesus. When they pray to the saints, they are unknowingly praying to demons. This demonic kingdom had many demons working underneath them in this man's life, creating so much torment and bondage in his life.
The Lord Jesus set him free that day of all those demons, and he experienced the Holy Spirit fill him afterwards. He expressed to me that he never felt anything like this in his entire life. He felt the love of Father God that day, and he now knows that he is a son of the Almighty Creator of all things! He truly began his real relationship with Jesus that day. Jesus set him free from torment and bondage, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He experienced the true love of the Father that he had never experienced before in his life. Jesus is now Lord of his life. His life is forever transformed! Thank You Jesus!
If you are a Catholic, or were born into Catholicism etc, please understand that there is so much more. Catholicism is not right, and you are missing out on an incredible relationship with Jesus. Jesus died a horrific death on that cross and rose from death so that you could be with Him for all eternity. Through His sacrifice, He also bought healing, deliverance, and freedom for you! You don't have to live with those struggles you thought you had to live with and endure! Jesus can set you free just like he did with this man! You just have to be willing to renounce the false religion and the idolatry, and truly surrender to Jesus, having a real relationship with Him. Please make the right choice soon, don't wait any longer!
If this testimony has impacted you, or if God is leading you to do what the man did in this article, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can find all my links below.
Much love and blessings!
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